2012: No Comet

According to 2012 doomsday proponents, something big is out to get us.

Ian O'Neill on Universe Today looks at the theory that there is a comet currently out there in deep space, slowly making its final approach on its parabolic orbit toward Earth. But before you get worried, you'll be glad to hear that the 2012 cometary impact theory is as watertight as a teabag; there is no object observed out there and there is certainly no evidence to suggest there could be a comet impact in 2012.


Chad Cloman said...

But is a comet really much of a threat? It's my understanding that most of them are made of ice, and sometimes only loosely-coupled chunks of ice. I thought it was the asteroids, which can be made of rock or metal, that are the real "destroy human civilization" collision objects.

Naacal said...

Well, the nucleus of a comet can be 40 km. across. I guess that, even if made entirely by ice, it can be big enough to cause major damages on our planet's surface.


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