Have we found the body of St Paul?

Ruthless, half mad, he stoned Christians to death. He also founded modern civilisation. And until yesterday, his fate was one of history's great mysteries...
Deeply moved, the Pope delivered the news on Sunday that fragments of bones found in the tomb traditionally considered to be that of Saint Paul did indeed date from the first or second century.
Which means that, in all likelihood, they are the bones of the Apostle Paul - bones that have lain there for 1,950 years yet, astonishingly, have only been discovered in our time.

Read full article on The Daily Mail


jacob said...

Why should anyone care about this fake discovery when a much more important holy relic has already been discovered in Stephan Huller's book, the Real Messiah:


Huller went to Venice and proved that the Throne of St. Mark in the Basilica San Marco dates to the beginning of Christianity. It proves that Christianity started in Egypt rather than Rome (the title 'Pope' or Papa is universally acknowledged to have been appropriated from Alexandria).

Huller's throne is a real historical object, i.e. it is not a fake. You can see it with your own two eyes the next time you go to Italy. It is also being made into a TV documentary for a US Cable network.

Again, why waste your time with this nonsense about 'bones of St. Paul' (the authoritative canon does not specify a location for Paul's death); it is completely fake.

You don't have to buy Huller's book. Here are some photos of the throne - www.therealmessiahbook.blogspot.com or go to his blog instead wwww.stephanhuller.blogspot.com.


Naacal said...

Thank you for your post, I'll surely have a trip to Venice and check the links you posted.
About St.Paul's bones, are there any proofs that they're completely fake?


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