Darwin’s Mystery Of Appearance Of Flowering Plants Explained

The appearance of many species of flowering plants on Earth, and especially their relatively rapid dissemination during the Cretaceous (approximately 100 million years ago) can be attributed to their capacity to transform the world to their own needs.
In an article in Ecology Letters, Wageningen ecologists Frank Berendse and Marten Scheffer postulate that flowering plants changed the conditions during the Cretaceous period to suit themselves. The researchers have consequently provided an entirely new explanation for what Charles Darwin considered to be one of the greatest mysteries with which he was confronted.

Full article on ScienceDaily


Tina said...

Ok, that was interesting. Looks like somethings will always remain mystery.

I myself have been trying to solve the mystery of this legend for a while now. Could not understand much though.

Let me know in case you get to understand the mystery of the Old Hound and the Legend

By the way, good writing style. I'd love to read more on similar topics

Dov Henis said...

Of Flowers And Humans
Of Myopia In Evolution
entirely new explanation?

A. Darwin’s Mystery Of Appearance Of Flowering Plants Explained

The researchers have consequently provided an entirely new explanation for what Charles Darwin considered to be one of the greatest mysteries with which he was confronted...

B. From "Life And Darwinism, Tomorrow's Comprehension"

On The Origin And Tasks Of Brain Cells, "what all these new cells are good for"

Surprisingly...??? Human's genome continued survival mainly by modifying-controling its environment.

And AAAGAIN: For Nature genes are genes are genes. None are more or less important than the others. Genes and their take-offs, all Earth organisms, are temporary energy packages and the more of them there are the more enhanced is the biosphere, Earth's life, Earth's temporary storage of constrained energy. This is the origin, the archetype, of selected modes of survival.

C. Life is REALY simpler than they tell us in endless variations in AcademEnglish...

Dov Henis
(Comments From The 22nd Century)
Updated Life's Manifest May 2009


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